Related, sometimes interrelated joint diseases - arthritis and osteoarthritis have many similarities and differences. But it is possible to determine which disease develops in a person only after a series of diagnostic studies. The causes of these pathologies are different, the treatment of osteoarthritis and arthritis is also not the same. Using alternative therapies for such diseases is not only useless, but also dangerous.
Comparative characteristics
The development of arthritis and osteoarthritis occurs under the influence of various factors. But these diseases have one thing in common - they negatively affect the state of human health, causing unpleasant symptoms and discomfort. Both pathologies cause inflammation of the joint, disrupt its functioning, which makes it impossible for a person to move normally.
The symptoms of arthritis and osteoarthritis are very similar, but there are also signs characteristic of each disease.
What causes arthritis?

The main causes of joint disease:
- pathological disorders in the body;
- infectious or autoimmune diseases;
- complications after past infections;
- metabolic changes or changes in metabolism.
Rheumatoid arthritis or polyarthritis rarely occurs due to trauma, impaired joint integrity. With the progression of the pathology, inflammation of the synovial membrane and fluid develops. A lot of lubricant is produced, resulting in swelling of the hands, feet, knee joints and other joints. Changes are observed in the cartilaginous tissue - erosion occurs on them. As a result of such pathological processes, the bone is exposed.
Reasons for the development of osteoarthritis
This disease is characterized by degenerative and dystrophic changes that affect the cartilage that coats the articular surfaces of the bone. Pathology is more commonly diagnosed in the elderly. The main provoking factor is age-related changes, during which physiological thinning and cartilage wear occur. But sometimes osteoarthritis or osteoarthritis of the hands or feet affects very young people whose lifestyle is associated with excessive physical stress on the joints.
Characteristic symptoms

Sometimes the characteristic symptoms help to diagnose a certain disease in advance. In order to differentiate which disease develops in the patient, the places of localization of the disease help:
- Osteoarthritis is characterized by inflammation of the large joints of the feet, knees and hips. Much less often, the pathology affects the finger joints. Even worse, when violations affect the intervertebral joints.
- In arthritis, inflammation of various joints occurs. Pathological changes can occur in several asymmetric joints at once, which is not observed in arthrosis.
The first signs of arthritis and arthrosis of the joints are different. If a person develops arthritis, then the pain is mostly disturbed at rest, during rest or sleep. After waking up, you feel stiffness and discomfort. Osteoarthritis causes pain when moving, and after rest, the discomfort in the legs disappears.
Another difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis of the knee joint is the appearance of the diseased joint. Grade 1 osteoarthritis is characterized by the absence of pronounced changes, however, as the pathology progresses, the joint deforms and cracks. If arthritis develops, the joints of the legs and feet immediately become swollen and hot. The general condition of the patient is disturbed, he loses weight, his body temperature increases.
Differential diagnosis
The choice of drugs for the treatment of joints depends on the type of pathology. Therefore, you need to know how to distinguish arthrosis from ankle arthritis. To do this, the patient must undergo a series of such diagnostic examinations:
- general blood and urine tests;
- plasma biochemical study;
- rheumatic tests;
- radiography of the affected joints of the hands and feet;
- CT or MRI diagnosis of soft tissues.
To cure both pathologies, taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is recommended. They provide first aid to diseased joints, relieve inflammation and pain. In arthrosis, effective treatment is aimed at cartilage regeneration. Chondroprotectors, glauric acid, physiotherapeutic procedures, auxiliary treatment with folk remedies are used.
When diagnosing arthritis it is necessary to eliminate the cause of inflammation and eliminate pain. In addition to the infectious nature of the disease, drug treatment, antibiotic therapy is used. If the pathology is caused by immune disorders, hormonal drugs and cytostatics are prescribed.
The main contraindications for acute phase arthritis are massage and physiotherapy.
Therapy at home
Folk methods of treating arthritis and osteoarthritis include the use of medicinal herbs, egg shells, propolis, garlic dressings, decoction of bay leaves. Sometimes traditional medicine suggests the use of herbs whose therapeutic effect is more dangerous and toxic than some drugs. All prescriptions and their ingredients must be agreed with the doctor. Comprehensive treatment of arthritis and osteoarthritis should be aimed at stopping inflammatory complications and alleviating the patient's condition.
What is the difference between arthritis and osteoarthritis?
It is difficult to determine which disease is worse. Both pathologies have similar and characteristic characteristics. The table shows the characteristic features of each disease:
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